Rennard nods at Kroft, almost letting out a sight of relief at the logic behind the field Marshall's actions and her trust on the party


Instead, the magus forces himself to continue, for time was of the essence

Field Marshall, those two women might need to be interrogated later, but if it is known that they are still alive our secret might be discovered. Is there any way to move them discreetly to a place where they would not be able to use magic?

At this point, the fencer fills in Kroft of the sister's abilities, though not of their nature. Through the corner of his eye, Rennard observes Aldrin. He had been the one to declare his sister's lives forsworn...

Not knowing how family was supposed to work like, the duelist merely adds

If possible, they should not be harmed.

Second, and more importantly. We have secured a cure for the plague. I can start working on reproducing it immediately, but we will need your most trusted men to guard us in case someone tries to tamper with our efforts. Also, though I believe I can do it, I am no expert at alchemy, so if you know of anyone better suited...
continues the magus, still uncomfortable about being the lead in this subject

Remembering something, the fencer looks up towards Davaulus' office

Has the office been searched? There might be information on how the plague was distributed somewhere there, which could allow for a recognition of where the cure should be distributed first