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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: Mass Effect 3.6: Are you engaging in reproductive behavior with this thread?

    Quote Originally Posted by Binks View Post
    Soldier is fun. I played it all the way through and enjoyed myself greatly. I also enjoyed other classes, but Soldier has a lot going for it. You get all the weapons (in 3 this translates to being able to carry more weapons without penalty), most of the ammos (so your gun can adapt to any situation) and adrenaline rush to make your guns far better.

    Yes your vanguard can wield the same weapons as my soldiers. No that doesn't make your vanguard anywhere near as good at wielding them as my soldier. While you're using basic rounds and firing at a decent clip with Marksman I'll be over here adapting my rounds on the fly to the enemy type and firing faster and more accurately with adrenaline rush while also making it easier to avoid enemy fire.

    Yes the other classes have nice toys, but you're sadly mistaken if you think they can play soldier anywhere near as well as a true soldier. It's a unique style of gameplay. It might be closer to normal FPS's than the other classes (but bullet time and changing ammo means it's still very different from playing, say, call of duty), but that doesn't make it bad.
    It's a shame that most of the soldier's strengths don't translate into multiplayer. Although that's the entire reason that I realized that I enjoy playing engineer and adept almost as much as I enjoy playing a soldier.
    Last edited by Beowulf DW; 2012-07-06 at 12:33 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Flickerdart View Post
    Fortunately, a Monk 1/Warblade 19 uses Iron Heart Surge to end the Monk character class, and the day is saved.