Shayan's Lab

"You can help me make a choice. Although the drugs are no longer available to me, the remnants of them are still in my system, and I still receive visions. Increasingly though, the moments where my lucidity is lax and time slips by my eyes are fewer and farther between. I've been able to force it by synthesizing the pollen my plant half creates internally without ill effect, as the sedative was one of the ingredients in those herbs, but I'm wavering on whether or not I should. What I want your opinion on is simple. Should I allow the last traces of these drugs to slip away without incident, and live with dulled emotions? The prospect is somewhat daunting. When I feel myself start to lose my grip on my feelings, I fear that they won't return. The ability to think logically is dear to me, but also terrifying because of what comes with it." Real fear, although muted, dances behind her eyes.

"Today, at the hospital, I should have known that that man was going to convulse, leading to his death. It was the first time my visions had failed to inform me of such a major event in time to change things." That's also worrying. As much as she despises what her visions came from, she's grown to rely on their presence to supplement her faculties. Without them, she feels as if blinded or deafened to the future.