The whole group know each other and know about each other's background. You all are friends because none of you could survive solo.

One day you were all in a tavern of the suburb, some of you talking, others drinking when Mastor [Piruca] heard a story that was absolutely interesting.

"Well my friend, you know I know many things" said a partially drunk man to Mastor, "Do you see those two?" pointing his finger to Lacko and Omar, "I can tell you something very interesting about them, but don't tell them, ok?" said the drunk one.

Mastor paid another beer to the man and promised not to tell them about his story, the now-drunk man thanks him and keep telling his story.

"I heard that Taban and the Wizard's school made an agreement and will try to catch them by tonight or tomorrow night, so I think they'll have a horrobly death" the drunk man makes a big burp and continue "I think they're hiring the Zacanistro Assassin's Guild, so void walk around them until they die or you could get involved"

After that, the drunk man goes out to pee and Mastro call all the group together to talk to them. Mastro tell everyone the story and now you have knowledge of what's about to happen.

As the night comes, you all get very nervous. A bunch of thug men enter into the tavern and started to drink, anyone of you can make a Knowledge (Local) or Bardic knowledge check to see if you get any information.