Quote Originally Posted by orb_of_blood View Post
[Beren's Hold]

"I uh... no. I don't think she would." A flash of regret crosses his face, but he speeds his pace so Akoraun can't see it.

They pass four other cells, identical to the first in every way except for the pattern of the splatters, and the room's inhabitants.

Zombie, siren, demon, and all look human, or close to it. If it weren't for the small signs above their cells, it'd be hard to know what they are.

And in the last cell, the one they stop in front of, are two children, probably around nine. The sign above the door reads 'werecats', though these two look like elves. One young boy with the same vacant expression on his dirt-caked face, and one young girl with huge soulless black eyes, who seems entirely disinterested in everything around her, and not spellbound in the slightest.
The child greets every being happily and politely.

Finally, they stop at the werecats. Hi! I'm your new roomate!