[Weathered Ruins]


[Lake Hylia]

I don't see the need for a name for Rein's personal rifle. Its legacy is painted in blood. It is known by the number of victims it has claimed in the hands of its crack shot of a wielder!

When Rein's eyes meet with the cold metal of the reinforced door, a zombie's hand with burst through it, clumsily fumbling for a knob! The barricade is holding as is, but dang! That zombie has muscles like Arnold! Seems more intelligent than the others too. He'll certainly cause problems for Rein if Rein remains here.

Gabe has taken shelter behind the computer desk, being the chubby coward he is. He has stolen the mouse and keyboard of the computer and is busy tearing them apart and combining them with the disk slot. A strip of red cloth circles his forehead.

Technomage in the hiz-house! Cue wolf howl!
