Tristan settled down after the exhilarating attack, and was getting prepared to set the mess he'd made of the ground back to normal. Summoning a mountain was cool and all, but people still had to use the roads.

As he prepared to leap down from the roof, a figure pulled itself out of the rubble, and began to brush itself off.

"A straggler. We should capture whoever it is for questioning."

"Kitai, that doesn't look like a Si-"

Tristan felt himself leaning over the edge. Just as he was looking straight down at the debris-ridden courtyard, he felt Kitai take full control and kick off of the side of the building. He sped towards the back of what he could now tell was a girl. She appeared to be administering first aid to a marine.

"That's not something an enemy would be doing..."

"Stop Kitai! She's with us!"

She showed no signs of stopping as she drew her gladii, not filling Tristan in on what she planned to do with them. He didn't like it, though.

Harry didn't either. With a great effort of will he chipped through Kitai's control and with little more than a thought released the kinetic energy stored in one of his rings. A force strong enough to blast a hole in a brick wall propelled the front half of Tristan's body towards the ground. He landed less than gracefully, rolling until his forward momentum was stopped by the force of friction on his already damaged body.

For the third time that day, he was lying broken on the ground. At least this time there were enough pools of water around that watercrafting himself to full strength would be much easier. While he started the healing, he decided they needed to have a "discussion".

"All right, from now on, I'm completely in charge. No more taking control, no more making your own decisions. This is my body that you're throwing around and battering within an inch of its limits." He gave out a painful groan as his broken arm set itself and began mending together. "I know that none of you are stupid, but you're going to have to consult with everyone else before doing anything that could kill me. We should also think about being more careful with the power we're throwing around. Apparently that person who crawled out of the rubble was an ally. An ally we could have killed."

Without saying anything, they made him aware of their agreement. He stared silently towards the sky as healing rain fell against his skin.