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Thread: Kirby[3.5][Peach]

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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Kirby[3.5][Peach]

    Small Outsider
    Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (6 hp)
    Initiative: +4
    Speed: 30 Ft (6 Squares) Fly 10 ft (2 Sq, Good)
    Armor Class: 15 (+1 size, +4 dex), Touch 14, Flat-footed 11
    Base Attack/Grapple: +1/-4
    Attack: Greatsword +1 (1d10+3/19-20x2)
    Full Attack: Greatsword +1 (1d10+3/19-20x2)
    Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
    Special Attack: Inhale, See Below
    Special Qualities: Inhale, Mouth of a Million Millineries
    Saves: Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1,
    Str 14, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10
    Skills: 8 Diplomacy, 8 Bluff, 4 Profession (Gormet Cheff)
    Feats: Skill Focus: Profession (Gormet Chef)
    Environment: Any
    Organization: One
    Challenge Rating: Party Level+3
    Treasure: 10 Lbs of Veal, Medium Rare, Exquisitely cooked, 2d8 strange and quirky Hats, as well as a hat of each party member he has eaten
    Alignment: Chaotic Fluffy
    Advancement: See Below

    This little pink Fuzzball is named Kirby, isnt he cute.

    Combat:Kirby begins combat either with his greatsword, or by eating the person he considers the greatest threat.

    Inhale (Ex): Kirby may, as a standard action, Open his massive mouth and suck in air. All creatures caught within a 30 ft cone must succeed a Balance check against a 13DC (10+hitdice+Str mod) or be launched flying towards Kirby. Kirby then Swallows any one creature that is launched towards him.
    Kirby may also perform this action while grappling a creature, If he does, it automatically fails it's save and is immediately swallowed.

    Maw of a Million Millineries (Ex): Any creature that Kirby Inhales transforms into a magical hat, which Kirby immediately equips in his Head slot as a free action. While wearing this hat, Kirby gains these benefits:
    Kirby gains the Swallowed Creature's Hitdice, as well as base attack bonus equal to the Hitdice gained.
    Kirby gains an enhancement bonus to an attribute equal to half the consumed creature's attribute. He gains this bonus for each attribute.
    Kirby gains Health equal to his Hitdice* his Constitution Modifier.
    Kirby gains any and all special attacks, special qualities, spells, and powers of the consumed creature.
    Kirby gains equal caster level to the consumed creature, as well as equal manifester level, and equal Initiator level.
    Kirby gains Prepared spell slots of the consumed classes, using the appropriate attribute.
    Kirby gains manuevers known by the consumed creature, as well as the recovery mechanic and number of prepared manuevers as the class.
    Kirby gains any feats the consumed creature had.
    Kirby gains any proficiency that the ocnsumed creature had.

    Any hat created by this ability may be restored by casting a Mage's Dysjunction on it. The hat does not perform a save against the spell, despite being magical.
    Last edited by toapat; 2012-07-13 at 06:55 PM.
    My Homebrew: found here.
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