Quote Originally Posted by Hawkflight View Post
"Um, y-yes. Party game. That sounds good," said Heartflight. It may be true that she was only a little foal in body, but mature in mind ... but she'd never really handled scary stories well.

'Yea, so ah suggested Once Upon A Time, which ah esplain'd to Pyrite right now,"
Cloud grinned.

Dawn Blossom smirked at Spark as he returned. "Welcome back. We were beginning to think you'd fallen in," she teased.

He made a face and shook his head though he was still in good spirits and didn't take real offense to it. He returned to the current topic at hoof.

Meanwhile, at the other slumber party, White Truffle decided to take up talking with Gearstride. "So, Gearstride," she said. "What kinds of exotic culinary masterpieces have you seen on your travels, hmmm?"

"Sugar and green chili enchiladas from Mexicolt, comes to mind first, being the most recent place I visited,"
She answered a little glad to be distracted from the whole make up stuff. "the locales were real swell about it."