The Sleepy Dwarf

The tavern is empty, except for a crookbacked greasy man and a plump woman in her midtwenties, the latter cleaning the floor from what looks and smells like a mix of bad beer, puke and piss, though the place obviously needs more than a cleaning job to be tolerable. "What do you want?" the man asks, collecting empty mugs from the tables. "We just cleaned out the last drunkards. We're closed until late afternoon."

Embassy of Zhentil Keep

The foreign district is sorrounded by a wall, separating it from the rest of the city, and while the watchmen stationed at the two entrances give Mirielle a look, they let her pass without incident.
The guards outside this dark stone structure, with scowling gargoyles on the mock battlements, are rather unfriendly and make it abundantly clear that they don't answer questions, nobody enters without an appointment and if she doesn't leave the premises right away there'll be trouble of an unspecified kind.

that's for the first check, not getting through here. Use second roll on someone else?

Jorkk's shop

Once Aya is a couple feet inside the building, the old man's head suddenly snaps around. "Sneaking up on me, are you!" he says in the unnecessary loud voice of those with impaired hearing.
When she reaches for a piece of parchment, he interrupts her first attempt with a barked "No, not that one", waiting impatiently as she scribbles her message.
"Map of the city? Stopped making those years ago. So much of a hassle keeping up, they always make new buildings and tear down the old ones... And then the war, what a mess! I make many a map of lands near and far, at least geography has the decency to not change all the damn time! I can still make the most detailed map of the Bluff you'll find anywhere, but don't come running to complain because you can't find the old Scamper Bridge."