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Thread: V made the right mistake.

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    Math_Mage's Avatar

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    Default Re: V made the right mistake.

    What the Draketooths should be able to deduce is that the same force that took out Dorukan's gate also took out Soon's, because the Cloister on Dorukan's Gate faded after Dorukan's death, and then was restored; faded again after Dorukan's Gate was destroyed, and then was reestablished over Azure City after Soon's Gate was destroyed. They may not know it's Xykon, but they know it's bloody strong.

    Quote Originally Posted by JavaScribe View Post
    Zzd'tri's divinations wouldn't have allowed them to bypass ALL of the defenses, but it would have been enough to get them to the ziggaraut, and therefore the Draketooths. All they have to do is suprise attack the Draketooths before they can hide in the ziggaraut's inner depths. After that, they can deal with the inner defenses at their leisure.
    We don't know that Zz'dtri would be able to pinpoint things that closely. We don't know that the ziggurat would be scryable. And we don't know that the Draketooths would be caught with their pants down if the Linear Guild teleported in, even if LG didn't get immediately caught up in the surrounding illusions.

    Quote Originally Posted by JavaScribe View Post
    Maybe he really is that stupid. Just by going to that gate he's going to have to handle Xykon one way or another, whether it be by bargaining or combat. Especially since he somehow plans to get his hands on Xykon's ritual.
    He knows there is a ritual. He knows he doesn't want to die at Malack's hands. That he actually wants to secure Xykon's ritual is far from certain.

    And has a poor track record as far as Team Evil is concerned.

    Quote Originally Posted by chessdudeguy View Post
    They do? I mean, yeah, they're using each other, but they hate each other too? I didn't get that impression.
    Redcloak probably hates both Xykon and himself. Xykon sees Redcloak as fun to toy with. It's not a happy family down there.
    Last edited by Math_Mage; 2012-07-16 at 01:23 PM.