My crew will probably clear H DW in under 1 hour 30 minutes now, with that debuff. I am genuinely sad that I can't raid with them for the next few weeks. Here's hoping my place of employment hires someone soon.

@Pre-MoP Patch
They've been testing the event/s on the Beta for quite a while, most of which are stable and ready to go. I figure they are going to launch the pre-patch in time for the August 7th weekly maintenance, or the week after that.
My new launch prediction is Sept 4th, which is shortly after the release of the cinematic trailer at Gamescom.

As of tomorrow, I am in Northrend. Outland went MUCH faster than I remembered it. Last time I went through Outland it wasn't very long ago, it was with my Enhancement Shaman who had a full set of BoA gear for bonus XP. Karotfarmer hasn't had that kind of advantage, and I swear I finished everything faster.
I think it's because I'm enjoying Feral Druid more than I did Enhancement Shaman. Feral just feels fast, sleek, tactical, but you hit like a bus. Seriously, 2 combo points and a finisher, most things are dead, it's been that way since about 40.
So I'm hoping to finish Northrend this week and done Cataclysm content next week.