Quote Originally Posted by FireFox View Post
Toby looks about for Reinholdt. Not finding him, assuming he's still at the BDD, the Druid thinks about drawing him out. He says his name three times and if that doesn't work, he'll try turning himself into a blue cat and sitting on Rein's sunning rock by the lake. He's merely attempting to think like Reinholdt to figure out where he went, of course. It's not like he secretly wants to be him. Certainly not.
One should hope not. One should also probably not think like Rein either, but it can't be much worse than thinking like Tobias. And saying the name three times only works on Calublufiok.

Reinholdt's sunning rock is quite warm this time of day. No wonder he likes that spot. One could just fall right asleep...

Thinking like Rein there are four things Rein does with any real frequency. Contemplate, sleep, drink, and adventure. If he were doing the first two, he'd probably be in his room or here on the sunning rock. Since he's not in either of those places, he's probably not doing those. If he's out adventuring finding him's going to be a bear since he could be anywhere. Drinking only takes place in two or three real spots though. There's also the off-chance that he's practicing with his rifle in the woods or studying in the Medlab, but Tobias would have found out that quickly enough.

Of course, he could always just, you know, call Rein's phone and ask him.

But then Tobias would be thinking like Sophie or some other somewhat normal person and we can't have that.