If you want my honest opinion, I think it's racially motivated. The Kaiser just relaxed immigration laws, and the market district is one of the most mixed population centres in the city. If the bastards were trying to scare away newcomers to the city, I'll bet they did one hell of a job. I appreciate what the Kaiser is trying to do, but wiser men than I have told him that he needs to be patient. We're a big city, attitudes aren't going to change overnight.

At that Kilroy turns and leaves the library, heading off towards the slums.

Damn rustheads, they make more than I do and they still manage to live in the rattiest parts of this city. I'll be lucky if I don't get mugged by nonhum's on my way back to the station.

Kilroy throws open the door to Guard's shack and his jaw drops. A beautiful human girl is polishing Guard's mithral plate and holding an animated conversation with the warforged. It is clear that she is doing most of the talking.

... Aeryn? What the hell are you doing in this part of town. It's dangerous for a girl like you in the slums!

Oh! Hello Kilroy. I'm off-duty today. It's been a long day for us, Guard took me to the temple district and had someone scry a djinni city on another plane! It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. On our way back a minotaur had some choice things to say about us, and then he tried to fight with Guard when we walked away. That's why I'm polishing him, his plating got absolutely filthy when he was throwing that minotaur around.

Kilroy looks defeated when Aeryn describes her day with Guard, he takes a moment before addressing the warforged.

Guard, I have an urgent summons for you from the desk of Kennan Tannerson. There's been an attack, and he's bringing in his best investigators to get to the bottom of it. I can escort Miss Aeryn home safely, but your presence is needed immediately at the market district watch station.