Here we are guys. Minor delay due to power outage, but here you go!

Same difficulty and what not as last game

Megaman 2 Plot

After Dr Wily's defeat, the not so good doctor escaped, and built 8 new robot masters, designed solely to defeat Megaman! Megaman rushes out to meet these new foes! Fight, Megaman, for everylasting peace!

Megaman 2 [1] Metalman

Our first enemy is Metalman, the easiest to take down with the megabuster! His stage is relatively easy to! The chains of those big smashy spike things hurt you, so be careful!

This is also one of the best stages to grind for E Tanks, a new feature of this game. E Tanks are portable full heals that you can use whenever. They are very awesome.

Another thing new to this game is that, when you defeat a robot master, their attacks are completely destroyed making it impossible for them to kill you after you kill them. However....

Regardless, for defeating Metalman we get the most broken weapon, the Metalblade!

Well, that was Metalman. Hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you next week when we tackle our next foe!