Emily Cole

Emily glances around the forest-turned-bar and regards the Manhattan in her hand with mild confusion, then takes a sip. Unsurprisingly, it is superb. She listens carefully to what Death has to say, the sudden and impressive scene change having convinced Air Ace that she was indeed in the presence of a being of immense power, and should be attentive.

"This is important, I understand. I do have a couple of questions, I suppose. Where are we to meet this Doctor Dare? Will we know, or can you tell us? Also, when you say The Lord of Space, is that one of those vague prophecy names, where we're going to have to figure out who the threat is when we get there, or are we literally going to encounter someone who calls themselves the Lord of Space?"

Emily has read a lot of books, watched a lot of movies, played a lot of games. She knows the cliches, and she doesn't truck with mysterious but infuriatingly ambiguous predictions from powerful figures who should be able to give you a name, date, and a step-by-step walkthrough of what you will need to do.