Quote Originally Posted by Rotting Baron View Post
[Boris's Room]

Boris grins in response to that. "Yeah, I suppose you're right. Depending on what you think I'm implying, of course." He seems to be enjoying his being obtuse.
"Oh, you know ye dolt," Cornelia says, smirking at him in turn. She puts a hand over his, smirk softening into a sort of half-smile.

Quote Originally Posted by Mindfreak View Post
Training Grounds
"I'm sorry! I thought that um...from your speed that you'd be able to handle it...sorry..."
"And that was um...me."
Adir gains his feet, blinking at her vainly. He's not upset though - the very opposite, in fact. "Dayum. I got my work cut out for me here." The stag holds up a finger for the both of them. "Hold on a couple minutes."

He hurries back inside, and returns looking... quite different. He's ressed in an elaborate suit of powered armor, for one thing. His voice comes over the exterior verbal communicator, crackling and electrical.

He approaches the Saiyans, crossing his steel arms. "Arright. You shouldn't have to worry now. Show me that, uh, speed again. Could one of you... maybe... cross to the courtyard over there?" He points toward the orchard, a couple hundred feet away.