Lea awakens almost instantly, alert and on her feet in seconds. She rubs her eyes and glances around her tiny two-room apartment, almost hoping a dose of normalcy would help her make sense of that dream. Her living room/bed room/kitchen was the same patchy off-white as always, with crates full of surplus military and police equipment scattered over the limited floor space. Her living room was dirty, the bathroom was filthy, cockroaches had all but taken over the kitchen, and she heard the distant thud of a downstairs neighbour blasting speed metal from his stereo at maximum volume. The place was, in short, a rat hole. On the plus side, it was a pittance to rent, and the landlord didn't ask questions as long as she paid in cash. Lea had inherited a little money from her parents, and knew enough about the general pattern of the financial markets from her other selves that her investments weren't doing too badly, but the fact was she had no job and one-woman wars on injustice are not cheap.

Mechanically, she goes through her daily routine, converting her bed back into a sofa and taking out a trash bin filled with wrappers from ramen noodles and MREs. The faucet was leaking again; her improvised repairs hadn't held. Unfortunately, Lea couldn't exactly call in the building super, who might wonder why his tenant had several thousand dollars worth of smoke grenades, crossbow bolts, GPS trackers, and assorted other survivalist paraphernalia.

Glancing at the clock, Lea goes to her closet and gets out her hero costume. She was going to investigate this Doctor, and since the odds of this being an ambush were pretty good, it'd be Remembrance dropping in.