Quote Originally Posted by HalfTangible View Post
Hay Bale felt bad for the stallion, being pushed into the fight like that. So she quickly teleported forward and kissed him. After lacing her lips with enough sedatives to make anything twice his size fall asleep, of course.
The stallion blushed hard at the surprise kiss, but found himself into it, and then his eyes went wide as he found himself very sleepy, and then they felt heavy. He then crumpled to the ground, a dopey pleased smile on his face. Balboa laughed and clapped his hooves.

'Remind me not to try to steal a kiss from your lips,"
he chuckled and winked in Hay Bale's direction.

Twas then a big pegasus stallion, twice the previous one's size stepped forward, wearing a full face helmet along with armor barding. He was one of the two volunteers here who came in armor.

"Well little Miss, I shall be your opponent next, let's us play," He said in his baritone voice and took to the sky.

Quote Originally Posted by TheAmishPirate View Post
Sandy gave a small sigh, but didn't break from the task at hand. "It's nothin', Cap'n. I won't let it distract from my job."

(I'll post Garion later today, apologies it's taking so long to think of a good dare that fits what he'd want to do)
(That's fine)

"Alright, though, I'll let you know, as your friend, you can talk to me, also...."
She said with a small playful smile as she worked on her grenades. 'Somepony left their communicator on."

Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post

The kelpie tsked and kissed the stallion's nose. "Such a silly colt."

"Right...a silly colt. We're such a pair, a silly filly and a silly colt,"
He smiled and wrapped his fore legs around her and pulled her down to him. He smooched her muzzle in return. He figured out now that it was best to drop the subject, lest he need himself pain reliever for his head.