Quote Originally Posted by Benson View Post

"What? I'm talking about yours' and Rainbow's little kissing and unintentional PDF, but don't worry, I turned mine off to give you two some privacy, heh,"
She smirked but briefly gave him a curious look, wondering a bit what he meant by that last part. Anyhow, she was up to this silliness to brighten up the mood, an embarrassed Sandy was a much preferred over weird acting Sandy.
Sandy briefly stopped his panicking for a moment and cocked his head at her. "Wait, so that's what y'heard?"

And then his eyes bulged as he realized what she'd just said. "Oh gosh, that's what y'heard?!" The poor stallion covered his head with his forelegs, ears threatening to vent steam from embarrassment. "Why me?" he meeped from his huddled, flustered position.