Claire caught the attention of the servers and took the chance to return her untouched glass. It was more then a little disturbing how much seemed to be available. Even if she needed it to live on now she could think of no way to keep large stocks she could call humane. Even if freely given it could be put to better use then casual refreshment. Bad enough she'd killed a man to slake her thirst tonight she didn't need to contribute to routine harvesting.

"I'll bring up the rear of the line," Claire said rising to her feet and pushing any other chatter to the back of her mind.

She cared as little for the order of the line, but it seemed simplest to express a preference right off. Let the suits or one actually related to the Prince go first. Besides she wasn't going to make much an impression being the only one dressed casually and normally. Or so her mind and the smidgeon of manners she'd picked up growing up told her, having them all stripped down and come in naked would have elicited as much actual interest from Claire. Might be more comfortable actually, her outfit didn't seem to be fitting right. She was simply, aware, or it in a confining way. Probably the hard wear they'd seen tonight.

What occupied Claire at the moment was the poor girl about to stand trial. The juxtaposition was severe to say the least. Claire couldn't think of anything to really help though. This was the sort of social thing that had never appealed to her, she preferred things that worked on reliable principles. Human minds were the opposite, coming out on top of a situation like this was an art not a science. Still Claire didn't want to be another to leave the teen out in the cold.

"Hi I'm Claire," She said to Danielle as she approached, "I didn't catch your name but I just wanted to let you know you have my sympathy. I wasn't planning on dying this evening either and had little choice, but you seem to have gotten a rougher hand then the rest of us. I don't think I can do anything to help you but I hope you pull through."

It occurred to Claire that if the teen was some sort of criminal that showing sympathy might be looked down on. Here though she just didn't care, it was just a decent thing to do.