Well, she only has four drow siblings. Her dragon siblings are the ones that are endless. And with them constantly falling at one another's hands, and rising others to take their place, they change so often she's lost track of them.

Nixa laughs, "I've sat through much more boring a tale."

She stands, slips around behind the bar and looks longingly at the liquor. The first and last time she'd ever tried it had ended with a giant fireball. She couldn't remember the taste, but had seen the effects on all of her siblings and had always wished to try some at some point. Still, she slides past it and pours herself a dismally ordinary glass of water instead. And even that proves difficult for a red dragon to drink. She does not offer the reverend anything, but figures that he either doesn't drink, or frowns upon stealing even a lick of alcohol.

"The path of Goodness. And what, in your eyes, makes a person 'good'? Perhaps 'good' is defending your family in this war you've abandoned. Or 'good' would be to stay around that area and try to ease the suffering of the wounded. So in this instance, does 'good' define the act of marrying a likely evil drow to a half-elf who reeks of paranoia?"