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Thread: IC Toes in the Water

  1. - Top - End - #509
    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: IC Toes in the Water


    Hour 1: Save 12: (1d20+3)[9], DMG: (1d6)[3]
    Hour 2: Save 14: (1d20+3)[21], DMG: (1d6)[3]
    Hour 3: Save 16: (1d20+3)[14], DMG: (1d6)[5]
    Hour 4: Save 18: (1d20+3)[4], DMG: (1d6)[6]

    Shiny takes 14 nonlethal damage (he has 16 HP total).

    Shiny jogs merrily alongside his companions, his small legs scurrying to keep up with the swifter members of the party. Anyone who pays close attention notices that by the third hour he is breathing heavily. However, anyone who asks if he's OK is treated to a lecture about the fortitude of Shiny Longstride, marathon runner and apothecary.

    At the end of the day of marching, Shiny turns to his companions, makes an almost inaudible comment about "a good place to stop," and collapses to the ground. For once, the gnome is out of words.
    Last edited by Admiral; 2012-07-26 at 01:38 AM.