Quote Originally Posted by Murkus View Post
Adir can track her - he is a fair bit better than human - but the stag is hard-pressed to keep up. In any case, he's struck square in the chest by the first kick and sent soaring across the grounds. Quite far outside the boundaries of the sand ring, I might add.

Though now fifty or so feet away, he seems to be mostly unharmed. There's a fresh ding in his suit, of course - it's far from indestructible. The stag just lays there a moment, stunned, before gaining his feet slowly. "Okay, that is totally not fair," He shouts at her. Good-natured as ever, apparently. The stag makes his way back over and glances toward Niza. "How bout' your friend? Is she this strong?"
Training Grounds
Kirlia hovered a foot above the ground. She had been watching Adir fly quite intently.
"I don't think so...but she uses weapons and stuff."
Kirlia doesn't. She just uses her fists. And legs.
And ki.
"And um, I can kinda do more than just hand to hand and flying..."