In one motion Dak stands straight up, throwing both hands in the air, his cloak revealing what was once covered:

-Seemingly as a reaction to the cloak being thrown back, a hinged mechanism activates, reading a massive crossbow that was once hidden, strapped to Dak's back. Upon taking hold of the crossbow, the mechanism retreats to a belt holster.

-The crossbow is a work of art. Covered in dials, switches, and levers, the wielder of this weapon can meticulously adjust how powerful the bolt fired from the weapon can be. Adorning the top of the crossbow is a finely-tuned scope.

-Suspenders criss-cross a leather jerkin covering his upper body, and covering each pectoral is a blue glowing disk of arcane energy that looks like it could be easily and accurately hurled through the air.

-Covering his arms are thin leather bracers that crackle with energy. They appear to rocket anything leaving Dak at a higher rate of speed than normal. His hands wear gloves with the fingertips removed, presumably to aid when pulling the trigger as well as giving him greater touch when healing someone.

-Around his neck hangs a medallion of a dragon, sparkling with arcane power.

At once, a sinister grin crosses his face. Dak aim true! Dak hope all foes DEAD before you reach! HEHeheheHE.