Quote Originally Posted by dtilque View Post
I don't know what the "Line of Effect" rule is that people are citing, but the description of the spell clearly states that someone has to hear the Holy Word to be subject to it. So it's possible for someone not in a direct line of sight to be affected, since sound will travel around corners.
Thats why it is a "spread" area.
Anything that blocks LoE still blocks it though. You can also hear stuff behind a forcefield. It would still block the Holy Word.
Holy Word has a 40 foot radius. Surely you could hear it from farther then this. This tells us that there is more to the spell then just sound.

Note that I do not say how things "should" be done in the comic, just how things would be handled if the rules are taken to be granted.
A solid metal door completely blocking the corridor? Yeah, there is no way to spread arround this one and thus LoE would be blocked.