The Cowboy's Table

"No, I'm not a zombie and I'm not undead. I'm a priestess, and the Temple in Inside, the one to which I am attached, used to keep slaves. One of them, unfortunately, was a druid. She later escaped, and when I spoke to her the first time after the event, she told me she would try to destroy my religion. I conveyed that back to my superiors, and the Temple was moved so she didn't know where it was- we were underground back then, see, and our Temple wasn't a public location like it is now. The second time I saw her, I spoke to her again. I wear a magic ring that grants me immunity to poison, and trusted in my abilities and faith in Dalachrech to protect me from magical or physical harm. What I wasn't expecting was for an apple seed to be slipped into my drink- the druid then increased its growth rate through her magic and it grew inside, destroying my internal organs and eventually forcing its uppermost branches out through my mouth and nose. I had no part in what had happened to her at the Temple- my death was unlawful. So the High Priest, realising that he would need help attaining justice; at some point the druid became a demigoddess of life, or something. Anyway, he went to the local authorities, released the last slave- the others died in an attempted apocalypse a while back- explained that slavery was legal in his homeworld, though regulated to prevent casual abuse of the slaves. He opened the temple to the public and asked the authority for help capturing the druid. When they caught her, they asked the High Priest what an appropriate punishment would be. He said weregild- asked her to pay for a diamond which could be sacrificed to Dalachrech in exchange for my life. She said she had the power to bring true life back to the dead, and the High Priest thought that better. So after a mix-up in which another deceased colleague was brought back by mistake, she gave me another chance at life." And all that happened on-screen. Well, not the moving of the Temple; as a private location whose inhabitants at that time were all my characters, I judged that could be performed without prior notice. Especially as several other parties had attacked the Temple and its staff before, making it the logical and sensible choice.