
Eisen just nods at Yousuke. He seems pretty shaken up, but goes off to tell Houshi exactly what Yousuke had told him.

The young boy slowed down until Houshi and the hostage client reached him. He quietly pointed out to Houshi that both Yousuke and himself had seen someone out of the corners of their eye, and heard some one giggling. He relies what Yousuke said, and seems to grow calmer as he talks.


Your group steps through the cave entrance and into the summer sun streaming through the forest's leaves. A girl stands there in the clearing. Her burnt flesh pokes through the tattered remains of her Soragakure uniform. She bears a half-destroyed metal headband with the symbol of Soragakure gracing its ruined plating. The long purple hair you remember is gone, leaving behind a scar-covered bald head. You can't quite see her feet, but if it's the girl you think it is then Yousuke still has her shoes. She turns empty eye sockets toward Yousuke, and then opens her mouth to say something.

But you blink, and she's gone. A hot summer wind cuts through the forest as if to dispel the illusion that she was ever there. Your client tromps through the forest with all the grace of a hungry gorilla, but he doesn't seem to be heading toward Soragakure. Instead, he's trundling through the forest toward the northeast. "Come on." He says without acknowledging or even noticing the presence of the girl.

"I have to get home, and I have to do it soon. I'm losing money by the minute with you kids, and the idiot in charge of my business is likely burning even more." If you head toward wherever Mitsuyo is headed, then you'll be going even further away from Soragakure. On the other hand, you might find your AWOL instructor out there.