((So, no orgy? OK then, moving right along))

Kresta, once you wipe the grease off your face and get moving, leads you into the trees and then north, parallel to the stream on your left. Beneath the tree it's cool and dim, but there's only limited underbrush.

The mules, carrying more than their intended weight, are making slow going but are plainly much the better for the rest.

It's less than an hour before you come again to the banks of a wide, dark river flowing strongly from east to west. Its opposite bank is lined with dark forest, with distant hills showing blued out in the background.

The opposite bank is the Empire. So far, it looks much like anywhere else.

Bethlen moves up next to Kresta, leading Spike. Kresta speaks to her expositorially."East of here. Along the Stahlmund as I said." and more loudly to all. And everybody keep eyes and ears open".