beginning of turn 13

the war: in the north, within the territory of the risen empire the war continues to heat up as the reforged kingdom brings up a massive army of reinforcements, the queendom experiences a huge boost in morale for the queen herself has arrived to inspire her troops to victory while at the same time the risen empire recieves a large contigent of troops, courtesy of the deep trolls.

this arrival of reinforcements for both sides has meant neither side made any real headway but spelling death for hundreds of brave men on both sides

meanwhile, at sea the daring and highly trained fleet of the venetian isles manages to inflict massive damage on the enemy fleet through their use of superiour and bold tactics.

peace in the woods: life in theelven freeholds begins to return to normal as a daring strike team from the queendom of faluna and the reforged kingdom had, unbeknowest to the rest of the world, slain the lady of the oaks and ended her the charm she had spread over the woods

war in dhevan?: fighting on the isle continues as the venetian forces secure their own neighborhoods but the rest of them remained in gang hands until a massive army of hellraisers and jack soldiers arrived on the isle and started a firestorm of violence with gangs ambushing soldiers in the streets and blowing up entire sections of the docks.

despite this, the jacks pressed on and have established their portion of the city as a protectorate of the trade federation. it is unknown what the venetians will do with their own small section of the city

to the world

the esteemed queen lymsleia has magically broadcasted a message to the entire continent. dear citizens of faluna and the world, many of you know that my grand armies are on a grand crusade to eliminate the threat of the vile risen empire. it appears that the the empire is now growing desperate enough to strike at the head of the nations opposing them, for they are clearly behind a vicious attack against the safety of my own mind, seeking to gain control of my thoughts and actions. clearly they believed that i would be easier to manipulate. the reason i stand before you all today is to implore the world to rise up. rise up, and end this tyrannical magocracy!!