Quote Originally Posted by SiuiS View Post
For shadow, what is your preferred build? I've heard lots of competing advice based I presume on play style. Electric slash versus shadow strike, mostly. Booth have their uses, but it then suffers from te same problem as the fury, although tac cloak and a stronghold gear would fix that. Does lightning slash set up combos? Which power evolution lets you choose between electric sword an fire sword (fire sword potentially setting up combos)? Do you straight melee or do you keep that as a last resort?
I initially wasn't specced into electric slash myself, but having discovered that my cooldown stays at 200% with both Tempest and Phalanx equipped, I respecced into it. And while most folks say you have no reason to fire your gun as a Shadow, I like having the option to whip out the Tempest for a quick finish if my Slash doesn't do the job. Speaking of electric slash, it works great - if only the windup weren't so l-o-n-g on it. But it does give the Shadow much-needed AoE, and even better it's a power you can throw into smoke or down a tight corridor - or even through a wall! - without having to aim. Being able to soften turrets/Atlases through walls is a great ability.

Concerning the passive: according to the Wiki, the power boosts affecting Shadow Strike are supposed to be a bug, so I'm playing as though it's already patched (i.e. not getting too attached.)

Oh, one more thing - in case it matters, I always take Duration over Damage for Cloak 4. This keeps me alive a lot longer, especially when grabbing objectives solo or dashing behind enemy lines for a revive. I also take Damage over Drain since every little bit helps against armor - more than once I've cut a Banshee's throat milliseconds before her nova, and once even saved someone who was about to be impaled.

My Paladin still has a lot of tweaking to do. I absolutely love their "ice inferno" but I don't feel the damage is quite there as compared to my engineers. But the range on snap freeze is awe-inspiring - in tight spaces, you can turn a whole legion of advancing foes into shuddering glaciers.