
Mimi is silent for a long moment as she processes that, holding Riss tight. What did she mean? Did all the teasing and implications that seemed so obvious mean nothing? Or is that not what Riss means at all?

"I thought..." What did she think? "That we were having fun." No, that's not what she wants to say. Spit it out, girl. "I thought you might feel the s- That you might have feelings for me. And that you might w-" Come on, get it all out there. "That you might want me as-" She swallows hard. "As much as I want you."

She tightens her grip in the muse, her entire body tense as she waits for a reply. In some ways it felt good to finally get her feelings out there in words. In an infinitely greater number of ways it's absolutely terrifying.

[Party! - Near the Doors]

"That's sad." Vissia says, though she doesn't seem overly effected herself. She gives a small smile that could men any number of things, and then reaches forward to try and touch his arm briefly. "I'm sure you'll find someone for you someday."