Quote Originally Posted by Stella View Post
Meh, not just Haley. I won't even try to dig up the comic, but Nale, in his "Wile E. Coyote" plan specified that the scissors Sabine was to use to cut the rope on the obligatory 10 ton weight had to be neither silver nor iron. So even her lover and party leader has no clue as to which she is.

So yeah, the comic represents this ambiguity plenty.
It is pretty well documented that Sabine is a succubus. That certain in-comic characters are not aware of this fact does not make it any less clear to the reader.

Reinforces? Those are her save bonuses after counting in the Holy Word penalty. She has good odds to ignore the banishment portion of the spell.
Sabine's will save would be +7 from her succubus racial levels, +2 (probably) from her rogue levels, and -4 from Holy Word, for a total of +5. Against a DC of... what, 20 at the bare minimum? (10 base, +7 spell level, +3 Wisdom (since we can't for certain peg Durkon's Wisdom at higher than 17)) So, Sabine would need to roll a 15 or higher to save. So... she has a 30% chance of saving, assuming both she and Durkon have no magic items enhancing things. It wouldn't be unbelievable if she made it, but I'd be pretty hard pressed to call those "good odds"