Roen clucked his tongue, deep in thought. The young wizard didn't know much; it wasn't surprising, but it was disappointing. He could only hope that the other prisoner would prove to have more information. Regardless, appearances had to be maintained, no matter how dirty it made him feel. "That's not much to go on, but I'll do what I can for you. For your sake, I hope it's enough." He had no intention, of course, of allowing any harm come to the Thayan, but he was reasonably sure that his new companions would agree. Still, what would they do with the two in the end?

Even knowing as little as they did, it could be dangerous to have them running loose.

Moving over to the bar, Roen waited patiently for the second interrogation to conclude. It was time to make plans using what little information they had. He could only hope that such plans would prove sufficient; he did not intend the following night to be his last, but knew in his heart that it might well be...