Sznovf- Wizard's Tower

Beyond the door is a long corridor with eighteen small, cramped cells on either side. There's a doorway at the end beyond which lies a spiral ramp.

Every cell contains a humanoid of some description, aged anywhere from eight to thirty five, or a similar age in relation to humanity. All of the humanoids show signs of being experimented upon; a young elf in the nearest cell on the left has a line of stitches up his chest and his left arm glows with runes carved into the bone, through the skin and muscle. The nearest cell on the right has a human child chained to the wall as she shrieks and howls, unable to move her limbs. The chains are thick, heavy and look hard to move, yet they creak and shift when she sees Cassidy and tries to pounce. Her teeth are exposed; her cheeks and lips have been removed.