Quote Originally Posted by ToySoldierCPlus View Post
Leon smiles. "The name's Leon. I'm not offering pity, though I do offer my sympathies. I just can't stand seeing someone act like Michelle was. Makes me wonder who the real monsters are, sometimes. Where are you heading next? Would you like some company on the way?"
Allison hesitated. A slight smile appeared on her lips. "Okay then. I was just going to the library though... The way's not long." Indeed, they were already halfway there. "You know, Michelle was a bit bitchy, but I can't blame her for being in a bad mood over the vandalism. Who'd do something like that? That's just sick."


Semira and Jaime

Based on what Semira knew of Allison, she was being her usual self – quiet, determined, touchy where her brother was concerned, but willing to back down if it was just not worth it. Michelle, though, was showing a new face... certainly not the face of a student council president. Semira suspected that side of her had always been dormant underneath all the layers of dignity and poise. Michelle had always been an obstinate and confrontational person, used to having her own way; it was part of what made her a natural leader. She had just pushed it one step too far today.

Knowing Michelle, she would be holding grudges towards everyone who had defended Allison.

Semira and Jaime both took a close look at the desecrated monument. The white rose was not quite fresh – possibly bought or cut yesterday. The spray can of red paint was lying in the middle of the still-dry pool of the fountain. It was empty if the weight was any indication. Strangely, the vandal had chosen water-soluble paint, easily washable. As for the damage to Gavin's pillar, it was impossible to tell what instrument had caused it. It could have been any sufficiently heavy blunt object, possibly with the help of a chisel.

Jaime's poll about the vandalism yielded predictable results – mostly disgust and anger, though a majority seemed to think it was only an assh0le trying to shock people, not a genuine threat. A couple expressed suspicion towards Allison: “I mean, who else brings flowers to that bastard?” Another suggested Wayne Borden, the skinhead pushing for looser gun laws: “Seriously, that guy's a real wingnut, he's always complaining about immigrants and gays. Wouldn't surprise me if he'd drawn those swastikas.” One implied that Ellen might have done it for her documentary film. Another mentioned Eric Leigh, an artist who gauged the success of his works by how much of a scandal they caused; he had been expelled from the art department last year for skinning a dead dog and hanging it from the library's belltower, and his next project supposedly required an aborted human fetus. Zach was mostly concerned about his Halloween party: “Hell, for all I know, the vandal could be someone trying to get it cancelled. We can't let them win.” His friend Jamie Price had no suspect in mind, but seemed very interested in finding out who it was; he listened attentively as Jaime polled students.

Views about the confrontation between Michelle and Allison were mixed. Many said that it was stupid and insensitive of Allison to come with her flowers just after the ceremony, but added that Michelle had overreacted and could have been more diplomatic about it. Even Michelle's usual supporters did not condemn Allison too harshly, for the most part, but their comments were somewhat patronizing: “Poor girl, she still believes her brother wasn't so bad...” Not many outright took Allison's side, at least openly, but there were a few, including Sara Crawford and Marco Alvarez.


Quote Originally Posted by savior indra View Post
"Michelle, it's Kale. Are you alright? I have a bottle of wine if you want to talk," said Kale forcing his voice to be light and joking.
Michelle's voice was weary. “Thing is, if I start drinking now, I won't be able to stop. Thanks all the same, Kale. Hey, uh... don't do anything stupid, alright? It was... kind of scary, the state you were in. People will talk. They already think you're a bit... unstable.”



According to Jonah's search, a number of crimes had happened recently around Maxwell University, but the same could be said any other day in this neighborhood. Two assaults against gang members; enemy gangs suspected. Attempted rape; culprit rushed to hospital in critical condition. Convenience store robbery; culprit arrested. Carjacking; culprit not found, a masked male with a foreign accent. Bar trashed; drunken fratboys blamed. Some graffiti around Adams Boulevard, mostly gang signs. Burglary; TV and computer stolen, culprit not found. The usual cases of domestic violence, DUI and drug possession. Only one unsolved case of animal disappearance reported in the past few weeks: an old lady's African grey parrot.

Seriously though... All the crimes in the last two years is a bit ridiculous. Maxwell University is in a crime-ridden area, which is why the vigilantes were set up in the first place.