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    Default Re: Iron Chef Optimization Challenge in the Playground XXXVI

    Quote Originally Posted by Thurbane View Post
    I've got a build idea, but it's so glaringly obvious I'd imagine at least 2 other people would submit very similar. Still, if I get time and inspiration, I may enter it anyway.
    Is it [REDACTED]?

    I dislike this whole "not being able to talk about builds" thing, but at the same time recognize its necessity.

    Still, considering how obvious you think it is, I do believe it's the same idea I have. Either that, or a different idea that I thought was equally obvious but disregarded. Guess we won't know until the end, huh?

    EDIT: ...one entry per person?

    EDIT-EDIT: There's an error in the link to the latest Iron Chef (Death Delver).

    EDIT^3: Do we use fractional saves/BAB? Is it optional? Something to be noted in adaptations?
    Last edited by The Dark Fiddler; 2012-08-18 at 09:56 PM.
    It's been a bit, GitP. If you're reading this, you're either digging through old stuff, or I've posted for the first time in forever.

    If you want to stay in touch, reach out to me on twitter (same username).

    The best answer is always to ask your DM.
    Unless you're the DM, in which case you should talk to your players.