Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
It's the shape of the jaw and where it meets the neck. It's that slightly uncanny valley effect some of your pictures get. Apart from that everything else looks good.
Hm, uncanny valley? As in, a little too realistic for its own good? I'd never think I'd run into that, even if I do attempt to make plausible-looking designs.

I'll look into that jaw/neck problem to see how I could improve it, thanks.

So, I'm not actually entirely inactive. Just... I don't know, art-blocked? Here are the two pictures I've gotten stuck on lately, mostly because I can't conjure up enough focus to return to them. Really, anything I can't do in one sitting gets exponentially delayed with every consecutive attempt. It's ridiculous.

Fluttershy and an alicat flying. Apart from this being a somewhat odd place for Fluttershy to be (RD would probably look a lot better for flying with a winged cat, and would be much more recognizable too), the chief problem I have here is the darn landscape. I... have no idea how to make it work. On one hand, this sort of tilted/curved view does make it look interesting, but on the other hand I am completely lost as to how perspective should work in this case. That's not to mention trying to draw clouds up close with just lines. I've no idea why I have trouble with that.

Some OCs and Vinyl being dressed up by Sweetie Belle... which is misleading because Vinyl and Sweetie Belle (grown up in this case) are also "original" characters rather than being who they are in the show. IRC RP shenanigans, in other words. (Vinyl looks neat in star spangled spandex... fancy that) I've already posted this one before, in a less complete state. Now it mostly lacks a scene, which I am completely at a loss as to how to set up. It's really more of an issue of getting started on it and throwing down lines until something works.

And this picture is... really, I don't know. I might actually work on it because I like the premise and the joke, but I have a feeling I'll get bogged down in unneeded details again. As it is, it's a very quick and very rough sketch. Practically a doodle.

In other news, I tried checking out if I can draw anything with my left hand. this is the result. Weak, wobbly, but altogether slightly better than I expected. Might be interesting to invest in some training time.