[Riss' Quarters]

While the muse had expected there to be some surprise, she had greatly underestimated Misha's response. Still she was quite glad that her stand in for a hug turned into a real one. Not to mention the complements. Such things might be highly based on perspective, yes, but it was a perspective she valued. "I'm glad you like it. I'd like to go back and make this more accurate, personally, but I think that was bound to happen anyway." Riss said as an idea came to her. "Hey.. Out of curiosity, what would the two of you think if I were to convert the floor and ceiling and make them do the same as the walls here?" she asked while still holding on to Misha. It might take a while as I was in the tank when the walls were being done by automated labor but the floor at least shouldn't be too hard. Might need to redo the paneling for the ceiling but it's not like the room doesn't come apart as is.

Once that question had been answered, Riss then turned her attention to Mimi's own answer. "Oh. I see.. Well, wouldn't things become misremembered after a while? What do they tell you about in particular? Any bits of interesting information that you can remember?" Riss asked. She had never heard of a system like this to keep history and knowledge alive.