Quote Originally Posted by kanachi View Post
Ok so lets see whats up next...
Awesome, thanks! Return PEACH will be forthcoming.

I’m not sure if it’s a deliberate choice but rolling into town with no image is a master stroke of theme setting for this class.
Um...of course! It was completely intentional, and I'm glad you picked up on it!

::Narrate Flashback::

Dead levels, which is something i normally have issue with. I understand that you are happy with your build and the symmetry and balance one can achieve by having them can be tempting though. However, I would personally always consider throwing something in at every level, even if its a token fluff ability.

Players enjoy that feeling of progression and you don’t have to make every class feature shatter the cosmos. A chief who has adds a pinch of flavour to their meal here and there is something I look for in every build.
My original concept was to fill those with "Trope of Legend" abilities, creating a set of abilities you could gain with advancement, based of course on more tropes. Didn't wind up going through with that, but your point is a good one; I'll see if I can fill them up with something.

I will firstly say that while I do enjoy your writing style it does at times make things a little more obtuse to read than they really need to be. I personally find it a lot easier to have the fluff and crunch separated a little more as I don’t want to have to read a around thing when I’m referencing something “in game”. I love the effect you have created however, like you are telling the tale of the class and so forth, but it’s something to be aware of from a practical stand point.
I had been concerned about that, and figured if anyone brought it up, I'd go back in and put more precise mechanics in spoilers under each ability. I'll set that up.

Also I assume the target has to be able to understand your instruction? so you would have to speak their language (or another they know)?
Whoops! The [Language-Dependent] tag exists for a reason.

It’s a class which I both had amazing fun reading but also found totally overblown and actually quite frustrating to work through at times. It packed full of flavour and will surely get one of my three votes just one those grounds alone (at time of writing) in fact i think you have thus far created the class to beat as I think many will fall in love with your work here.
Wow! High praise!

Sadly for all its utterly awesome and incredible work i do still find it a little disappointing, because i know i would never allow this in my game and I am pretty sure a lot of others would feel the same. Which is a crying shame indeed because I firmly believe that a more DM sensitive version of this class would certainly be something which I would build a private lobby for in my dnd airport.
Pretty much glossed over point by point quotes since the meat of the issue with the higher-level abilities can be summed up here, and it's a valid point. I definitely don't want to strictly remove the abilities, as they fit the theme and can probably work fine in higher-tier campaigns where divinations and contingencies and the like are the norm. I'll see if I can come up with some alternatives, though, that don't provide quite as much control.

I’m sorry I can’t peach you class better to be honest, you have hit the edge of my abilitys as a pearcher (not hard to do). It warrants someone far more skilled than me to go other things in greater detail and break down what I believe to be one of the most creative classes I’ve seen in a long while.
Apologies neither necessary nor warranted. Thanks a ton!