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Thread: RaynnVerse: The Revolution IC

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: RaynnVerse: The Revolution IC

    Jake Wallace

    Isiah replies

    "I set up the Lighthouse Satellite to emit the signal that nullifies Omega's containment field whenever it detected such high levels of the Power Negative.

    Jake Dire told you about the past universe right? Ever hear how Omega died last time? Infinite iterations of the Big Bang, overlapping, burning him up.

    If she's Omega I don't even know how but I can tell you there is only way she's him, and that if she has his memories. Meaning after whatever you did to activate her, if I shut down that signal it is very likely she will receive billions of years of Omega's memories and revert into some new form to contain that power and knowledge. Harlequin and Winter II are gone Jake, Earth can be defeated again, and even if we beat him, how many of your friends will she kill before that happens?

    Do you really think two and a half days swooning over you will cure the greatest despot in the multiverse?

    Anyway, we both know you're not leaving American airspace, and similar legislation will be adopted by the E.U. and most of Asia by the end of the month. You want the band back together now, which means you'll be in Freedom City for a while.

    You'd need to let her become Omega, and Marry her, and stop her from killing everyone you know, to stop her from being deported or dead.

    Jake. I will let it be your choice, but any deaths she causes will be on your hands not mine. Accept that before you make your decision."


    Robert Asterion

    As Robert makes his way down through the Hotel he's met by worried, and sometimes terrified looks, before finally making his way out to the street where the Troll gentleman has landed in a crater.

    Standing nearby atop an abandoned car is a teenager, about the Peregrine's age, wearing a bandoleer of potions in glass vials, and covered in different blades and firearms like some sort of trained assassin.

    He draws a compact bow, extends it and readies an arrow that looks explosive, aimed at Robert's heart. He wears a utilitarian black and scarlet outfit.

    "Hello Robert Asterion, Monster, my name is Arthur Strong, and I want you to send Mordred a message."


    Diego Torres

    • Prometheus is the leader of the group Humanity First.
    • He is widely regarded to be a normal, but extremely charismatic, human.
    • He is considered by some to be a great humanitarian leader and by others to be a regressive bigot.
    • While his actual identity is unknown and he takes great pains to avoid the law he does make occassional surprise appearances in public.
    • He is believed to have a secret compound within the city.
    • Certain criminal elements may know the location of this base or a rally he may be due to appear at.
    Last edited by Raynn; 2012-08-22 at 11:16 PM.
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