Quote Originally Posted by Zaydos View Post
Okay I'm going to be sending my players to Limbo on the 31st, and I know I want an encounter with githzerai bandits (Lv 4 and 6) and a single neraph (Lv 8 or maybe 9) so if anybody has some requests to be used for them let me know, since change seems to fit Limbo. The level 8 one should be able to take a few hits as it ought to survive at least one round from the party (2 shadow blade swordsages, a summoner druid, an unoptimized wizard, and possibly one more character) so not a squishy class.

Also not doing the Dimensional Conduit for this because, despite it being one of my favorites to come out of the contest so far, it'd multiply the workload of making a single NPC more than a full caster would and these are one time use NPCs most of which won't even have names. And yes this disclaimer is here mostly because it was my first choice till I realized why it was a bad one.
I would really love some playtesting, if you are ok with it, githzerai could have trapped the souls from heroes of the past in the limbo and be using them as tools for power.

Anointed heritors should be balanced around those levels, pick any hero you like, but if you need something to take hits a Battlelord based anointed heritor is probably the best option atm since he refuses to die and gains temporal hit points when attacking.

If you need help with building something or have any suggestion let me know