Jake Wallace

She had the reaction he had expected. He shakes his head as she lays out what her options are and calls him out for being so awkward. “Look! I’m acting like a guy stuck in a bad situation. I don’t want something to happen to you, and I sure as hell don’t want to force you into marriage, either.”

He throws up his hands in frustration. Though, he nearly laughs at the imagined interview. Wow, what a story, huh? She tells him that heroes will come to attack him if this gets out. She tells him things he already knows.

She says she can’t ask for this.

“Hope! Dammit. The thing is that you are my dream girl. Plan successful in that regard! More importantly is that as far as I can tell, you are a completely different entity than Omega. Even when you went robot for a minute, you mentioned protecting me and my friends. I, of all frakking people, can’t hold a previous incarnation against you.”

He searches for something eloquent… but he’s not thinking about his words very well right now.

“So I don’t give a sh** who disagrees with me. I gave you my word I'd protect you. MY WORD.”

He breaths in deeply. The next time he speaks, it's softer.

“Point is, you aren’t asking me for this.”

He glances over to her.

I’m asking you. Marry me.”

“Marry me.”

He kissed her. And although the situation was insane, he meant it.