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Thread: TW;After the End Times IC

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    Troll in the Playground
    Miraqariftsky's Avatar

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    Stormwracked verdant hive

    Default Re: TW;After the End Times IC

    The Mindaluzvizian Sultanate

    The outer layers of the cityship Ngiti ng Tondo are scrubbed clean by unrelenting rain. Wan and sickly sunlight paints the sky a throbbing grey though it is high noon.

    Yet again, the Sultana holds office in a conning tower. Keys and murmurs clack and whisper as the scribe-savants process messages.

    To the New Confederate States of America:
    By the grace of the gods and the guidance of the ancestors, greetings.

    Your offer seems quite generous. We can offer you the services of our warriors in exchange... or would you care to name some other price for the chance to study with your learned ones? To be specific, beyond the lore of the ancients in general, what we're looking for at the moment would be something that can help against an underwater-inwater foe. Sonar, torpedoes and depth charges, we think they were called. And of course, the means, materiel and personnel or training to operate and maintain them.

    If this is overreaching, we propose an extension of the deal--- Throw those in and mayhap we can share some of the arcane lore of our mystics as well? Do note, however, we'll have to wait for the season after next to come and the monsoons to fully pass before we can send the first ships over and probably one or two seasons until they arrive at your shores... the vastness of the Karagatang Pasipiko? Do you have coordinates on the Old Maps or some sort of directions by the celestial bodies, landmarks, ley-lines or beacons by which the captains might know where exactly they should head? Is there anything that we, as guests in your lands, should or should not bring?

    By blaze and blade, blood and bones,
    ~Sultana Sinagtala of the Mindaluzvian Sultanate

    Hmm, 2 MIL, 2 MAG for 4 TEC as an opening bid.
    Koff. Did I do that correctly? What is "WEL"--- failed to see this as a stat-indicator in any of the rulesets presented.

    To the Intelligence Agency:
    By the grace of the gods and the guidance of the ancestors, greetings.

    Indeed? You live solely for the war in the shadows and owe neither allegiance nor devotion to old gods and new? Intriguing. We suppose you often remind your neighbours that they are but men? To your proposals, we have no immediate objections. Would three such centers--- two in the north and south and one in our mobile capital--- suffice for your price? As to your question of assignment for your agents: 1] See what's brewing up in the NEIETC. Who's telling the truth? Troop classes and dispositions? Materiel available, both mundane, magical and/or modern? What resources do they truly have at their disposal? 2] Ditto, but what are the immediate troops used by the Mongols against the northern Chinese reaches? Numbers, classes, dispositions, weapons? 3] A cadre of agents... to be kept on retainer. 4] To better train our own agents.

    By blaze and blade, bones and blood,
    ~Sultana Sinagtala of the Mindaluzvian Sultanate

    To the

    By the grace of the gods and the guidance of the ancestors, greetings.

    By blaze and blade, bones and blood,
    ~Sultana Sinagtala of the Mindaluzvian Sultanate

    spliiiiiiish! pap-pap-pap-pap!
    [sounds of roof repair teams scrambling, trying not to gawk at their monarch stopping up a leak in the ceiling with her hands]

    To His Awesome Imperial Magesty, Beloved of Heaven, Lord of the four Corners, Master of Fate, the Great Helmsman, The honored Patriarch, Scourge of the Barbarians, Defender of Wall, Master of Dragons, One True Master of The World, His emminant Magesty,
    Emperor Huang Di:

    By the grace of the gods and the guidance of the ancestors, greetings.

    No offense meant to you, your Majesty... How much we can send you will depend on how much you can send us. And since you seem to have been fighting the Mongols for quite some time, some good intel on troop classes, dispositions, etc, will be appreciated.

    By blaze and blade, bones and blood,
    ~Sultana Sinagtala of the Mindaluzvian Sultanate

    To the GM:

    Shi-Huang-FREKKEN-Di! Caaaaathaaaaaaayyyyyy! Yeeeeaaaaaah!

    Er, koff. Yeah. Ahem.

    Delaying decision on the NEIETC until the IntelAg reports back on what's what.

    Proposed disposition of stats come next turn:
    ~ -2 MIL > China
    -2 MIL > NEIETC
    +2 MIL homeguard + allied troops from the Majapahit Kingdoms
    Leader's Bonus > TEC
    People's Bonus > ECON... that is, IF the leviathan problem has been dealt with.
    Last edited by Miraqariftsky; 2012-08-29 at 12:44 PM.
    Avatarcred: HELL YEAH to THE Oneris! Ma'am, thank you, ma'am.
    Previous Avatars: by Dr Bath, Strawberries, zimmerwald1915