Quote Originally Posted by One Tin Soldier View Post
Gotta say, the X-COM reports that you guys have been posting make the game seem much easier than I found it to be. I tried doing pony names, but gave up the third time I lost the entire crew. So much death.
You might want to start out on an easier difficulty. The game basically tells you nothing about what anything does, so unless you're looking up a guide or asking Strife Werziel here, there isn't really a good way to know what research to get or how to optimally spend your money. I'm not even certain that a second base was worthwhile yet, although I imagine later on the rate of UFO landings will be high enough that the second base was required.

Also, we both use multiple saves and reload combat a fair amount. The one I reported where my whole team got bombed, I actually loaded a pre-landing save, which meant the entire terror battlefield was different when I tried the second time.