The Heavens

"And that is why we chose you.
Belsheroth cut off the communication with Kipt. He would find understanding on his own.
"Then I shall hold my forces in reserve until such time as they are needed. And when and if the time comes, I shall strike directly at the Dragon God and lay waste to his creations.
"I hope it will not come to that, but there is no telling what he may do after provocation."

This plan has a very high chance of falling apart, but Belsheroth made no effort to dissuade Kipt from following through. But when his help was needed, he would be there.
He listened to Yohalles and Kipt discuss the plight of the Woden.
"Concerning the Woden... Perhaps they could dwell for a time in the City of Lusin on the Dark Moon? Currently, it stands empty and lifeless aside from a few caretakers, but it is large enough to house them until a more suitable home could be provided.
"I will have to make preparations so it is habitable for them to live in first. But they should be safe there."

Just offering because I built the place and I haven't done anything with it. And besides, it's the perfect place for a refugee camp, all the way on the Moon!

The Fertile Valley

"If only it were always so simple. You live here, in this valley with the blessings of Lord Kipt and war rarely reaches. Not everyone is so lucky."
Zerachiel looked into the distance as if remembering things that he'd rather forget.
"But despite it all, we strive forward. Lord Belsheroth teaches us that the strong should protect the weak and the wise should guide the thoughtless. But they do not desire protection or guidance and we cannot rightly force them to accept it.
"So, we do not guide them. Or protect them from all things that ail them. To do so would be to become as tyrants despite how benevolent our intentions are."

He sighed.
"Perhaps Lord Kipt's way is best, but it too is merely a dream that fades in the harsh glare of reality..."
The trials and tribulations of a greater race that could bring about a platinum age if the world wanted it.
Sorry for the melancholic and philosophical nature of what he's saying. I was listening to sad music and was inspired.