Quote Originally Posted by T.G. Oskar View Post
8 judgments so far, so soon you'll see my results. That said, I promised I'd deliver some data after 8 judgings were done, and I'm a man of my word.


Finally, the tally of content thus far. Will I break my earlier records of content? We shall see once I deliver:
Pages: 29
Words: 19,059
Characters (without spaces): 88,904
Alright then, let's see my previous estimate: 37 and a half pages, nearly 23,000 words, and almost 109,000 characters (without spaces).

With these new numbers you've given us, the new estimate is: 36.25 pages, nearly 24,000 words, and 111,130 characters without spaces.

I'm... not quite sure how the estimate of words and characters went up, but the estimate of pages went down. Are you using a lot of small words in the most recent judgments?

Anyway, I can't wait to see this monster of a judging you're going to be handing down... but at the same time, I fear it shall bring about the end of the world.