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Thread: TW;After the End Times IC

  1. - Top - End - #43
    Bugbear in the Playground
    Umbranar's Avatar

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    Mar 2011
    The Netherlands

    Default Re: TW;After the End Times IC

    Gaia`s Chosen

    Rep: 2
    Esp-D: 2

    To Avalon
    Gaia watches over you, rulers of Avalon.
    We are glad to inform you that nature is responding to our calls and that the approach will be harder for the vikings in the south. We want to call upon you to aid us in a strange phenomenon. The forests up north are slowly turning into living metal and not responding to our magic. Currently we seek technology to reverse this process or at least halt its spread. Our druids feel strange so we are weary to send them in. With our rangers devided to both protect the druids in the metal forest and preparing the southern border against the vikings, we require aid.

    To the World
    Greetings, leaders of the new world.
    We, Gaia`s chosen will open our borders to those who wish to trade. At our trade posts guides will wait for those interrested to guide you through the area. We also seek aid in a dire situation without the forests itself. Details will be given in private messages or meetings.

    -Archdruid Roland, Chosen of Gaia
    Last edited by Umbranar; 2012-09-04 at 04:10 AM.