1. So I've tried to make it so that when people die in the pyramid event, that they spawn back in the viewing platform. No matter how much I tried, changing the world spawn point, or making a region, and creating that spawn point, I had Phhase help me, and he kept spawning in his bed in a different world. Any idea how to fix it? Sapo, please let me know if you get a chance to come online and fix it for me. Thank you!

  1. The next thing I managed to do was, I created a region over the entire pyramid bedrock region, and I made it so that NO COMMANDS are usable, that means, that if you ever want to leave the region, you need someone who can get you out of there, by force, ie. Admin. So I will put a sign outside of the portal, saying that if you go into the pyramid event alone, you will be stuck inside, unless there is an Admin online to help you.

  1. The next thing that I had done while tinkering with the things in the world, I found out that the world difficulty had been set on Easy, even though I had asked for it to be set on HARD. I changed that, so now the difficulty is correctly set to HARD, so those of you who had played in the event before, will find that the challenge to survive has greatly increased. Thank you again, and I will continue posting in the future if I have time to do so.