Quote Originally Posted by Celtic_D&Der View Post
What? Was a I bad? Guess I needs spankings now

Quote Originally Posted by Zorg View Post
Never seen how guys could use them on their faces personally, but that's probably tied to the time my best mate let someone pull out one of his beard hairs. He said "no worries", not thinking much of it. The person tugged, pulled and nothing happened. Eventually pliers and a lot of blood was involved.

So yeah, there's your horror story for today
... Wat. o.o

Ok, so electrolysis report for Siuis and others interested:

How much - $180/hr. This drops to $140/hr when getting a longer (3hr) session. They can do up to 6 hours in one go. Bookings can be tricky, especially in spring (which has just started here) as people get ready for summer, so plan ahead.

I do not have a lot of hair, but their conservative estimate is 150 hours, but it might only be 100 or so in the end. Do the maths and yes, it is very expensive but it is also 99% permanent so I feel it is a good investment.
The operator was telling me some particularly hirstute people can take over 500 hours just for the face

How it works - you sit there and have electrified needles stuck in your face. Find an operator you like, as you'll be talking to them a hell of a lot.

Does it hurt? - No with an if, yes with a but. The first few felt uncomfortable, not painful. It was remakably similar to the feeling of having a hair pulled out actually. One or two really did hurt quite a bit, likely due to nerve proximity. Some areas are more sensetive than others (upper lip particulalry), but will very quite a bit - I found right on the back corner of my jaw the worst.
It is worst when the area is getting done for the first time, and gets better as you get used to the sensation. The probes are only in for about five minutes in each spot, so it passes pretty quickly.

Some people do use numbing creams, and it will vary person to person. It wasn't as bad as having a tooth drilled or anything, but I imagine it's not much worse than epilating.

After effects - think bad razor burn. Some redness and a bit of bumpyness at first, which quickly subsided. You do get some very small scabbing the next day or so, and I was advised to lightly shave as soon as I got home to prevent shaving the scabs off.
There is an after effect where part of the dead folicle is 'expelled' from the pore so to speak, which looks kind of like a whitehead, and is totally normal.

Other problems - there's a really great clothes shop just down the road, so that's going to be dangerous!
Oh, I can put up with a bit of irritation if it means never having to shave again. :smallhopeful~:

Quote Originally Posted by Lycunadari View Post
Can you imagine how happy that makes me? That someone who hardly knows me cares so much? *hugs* I hope I have good news for you soon. But I have to wait still over a week until she returns from her vacation... so that's the minimum time you have to wait for any news. And I miss her...
*So many hugs* I hope things turn out wonderfully~

Quote Originally Posted by supernerd View Post
Being sixteen has its downs, but now I can simply say that I have to learn to make important descisions an that this is one I would like to make.
*Crosses her fingers for you~*

Quote Originally Posted by Nick274 View Post
IM BAAAAAACK! How ya'll doing?
*Welcomebackhugs* Pretty good~ n.n

Quote Originally Posted by Musashi View Post
Nowadays, I just all angers me. I see more and more conflicts that are petty, or where all parties are bound to lose. I can't believe we have to tell grown adults to calm the hell down (if they're not being hurt in some way, of course; and there is a growing number of people, of all kind, who define "being hurt" in a grossly twisted way) and use their goddamn empathy and intelligence they are supposed to have been cultivating since school. We don't have time to deal with conflicts that won't gain anyone anything beyond the fleeting, hollow satisfaction of having won a specific shouting match.
*Nods and more hugs* People like that are why I'm biased against authority figures. >.<

Quote Originally Posted by Heliomance View Post
Yeah, it's... not comfortable. Bearable though after the first few seconds. You kinda get used to it. Mostly I find that I get incredibly bored, it takes ages.
*Shrug* Gotta be better than shaving every one to three days. >.>

Not sure how cheap they are, I got mine free secondhand from a friend. Depends what bells and whistles you want - one of the best-rated ones I've seen has an in-built icepack to reduce pain. And also a fantastically LGBT-friendly advert! You don't need that though - mine's very basic and works fine. Hair needs to be at least a millimeter or two long I'd guess, or it won't have anything to grip.
It looks like they vary from about $60 to over $100 (I think that's what I was thinking of when I thought No-No's were $50 >.>)... Should be possible for me to get, after a while~

That was only implied, not actually explicitly stated.
